All Cybereason Enterprise Bundles combine our advanced multi-layered prevention and endpoint controls with rapid detection to leverage deep contextual correlations across all endpoints in real-time. The bundles are differentiated by the MDR service of your choice.

Cybereason Enterprise Bundles empower teams to:

Automatically Uncover Attacks
Detect malicious activities correlated across devices in real-time without the need for SOC teams to spend weeks configuring detection rules.
Understand the Full Attack
Leverage fully contextualized intelligence for high fidelity detections that eliminate advanced threats at any point in the kill chain.
Remediate Automatically or with One Click
Remediate automatically or with a single click to kill processes, remove persistence, prevent execution and isolate targeted machines.

Data Sheet

Cybereason EDR

Identify threats quickly with a high degree of accuracy through enriched data from all endpoints in real-time.

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Data Sheet

Cybereason Defense Platform

Leverage the power of correlated intelligence that reduces investigation and remediation from days to minutes.

Read the Data Sheet

Data Sheet

Cybereason Prevention

Multi-layered protection that includes intelligence-based, behavioral, NGAV and Machine Learning attack prevention.

Read the Data Sheet

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