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The Cybereason Nocturnus Team has identified an active espionage campaign attributed to the threat actor known as Molerats that employs three previously unidentified malware variants.

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The Cybereason Nocturnus Team has been tracking threat actors leveraging the previously undetected Chaes malware to primarily target Brazilian customers of the largest e-commerce company in Latin America, MercadoLivre.

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Kimsuky has been observed targeting a wide array of victims including public and private sector companies in the U.S., Europe, Japan, South Korea, & Russia.

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Operation Soft Cell: Webinar

In 2018, the Cybereason Research team identified a series of attacks targeting telecommunications companies. Quiz the experts in this interactive webinar.

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Operation Soft Cell: A Worldwide Campaign Against Telecommunications Providers

In 2018, the Cybereason Nocturnus team identified an advanced, persistent attack targeting global telecommunications providers.

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GandCrab's new Evasive Infection Chain

Ransomware is not a new form of attack, but GandCrab has upgraded it to be more dynamic and harder to resolve.

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Astaroth Malware Steals Passwords and Personal Data

In this research, we explain one of the most recent and unique campaigns involving the Astaroth trojan. This Trojan and information stealer was recognized in Europe and chiefly affected Brazil through the abuse of native OS processes and the exploitation of security-related products.

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Banking Trojan Delivered By LOLbins: How the Ramnit Trojan spreads via sLoad in a cyberattack

Cybereason detected an evasive infection technique used to spread a variant of the Ramnit banking Trojan as part of an Italian spam campaign. We investigate this attack, its use of sLoad, and its adoption of LOLbins to minimize discovery.

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Pervasive Brazilian financial malware targets bank customers in Latin America and Europe

Cybereason’s Nocturnus team mapped out the multi-stage malware distribution infrastructure behind Brazilian financial malware and found that Brazilian-made malware have become pervasive and target over 60 banks in nearly a dozen countries throughout Latin America, Spain and Portugal.

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Cybereason's Nocturnus Research team analyzes campaigns targeting the Brazilian financial sector, focusing on infection vectors and the threat actor's toolset and techniques.

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