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Cybereason To Host Webinar On March 4, 2015

Written by Cyber Admin | February 27, 2015

"In a world of advanced threats and complex hacking operations, even the best protected organizations are being breached, with attackers remaining on their networks for months or even years before they are found," said Yonatan Striem-Amit, Cybereason CTO and Co-Founder.  "Organizations must assume that their networks have been or will be breached and focus on identifying attackers that are already in their environment." 

In the upcoming Webinar, attendees will learn how to:

  1. See in real time what an attacker's actions in the network look like, including: privilege escalation, process injection, lateral movement, communication with the command and control server (C&C) and more. 
  2. Track in real time the attack's timeline, root cause, communication and affect on endpoints and users.
  3. Accelerate incident investigation by automatically eliminating false alerts and providing context to detected incidents. 

"We might not be able to keep determined cyber criminals from getting in, but we can get much, much better at finding and containing them once they are," said Lital Asher-Dotan, Director of Marketing, Cybereason.  "We aim to change the conversation from how sophisticated attackers are to how sophisticated detection and response has become, and this webinar will outline some of the basics for making that happen – we encourage you to attend. "

Date: Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Time: 1:00 p.m. -2:00 p.m.


About Cybereason: 
Founded by elite members of the Israeli intelligence agency, the company has built the Cybereason Platform from its deep knowledge and first-hand expertise in cracking and reverse engineering the world's most complex hacking operations. Cybereason is headquartered in Cambridge, MA with offices in Tel Aviv, Israel