Cybereason Press | Company and Product News

Cybereason Publishes Its First Threat Insights Report

Written by Cyber Admin | August 3, 2016

Black Hat: Cybereason today announced the publication of its first Threat Insights Report. The report is an analysis of data captured in the first half of 2016 by the company’s military-grade threat hunting platform via production deployments in large, global organizations across many industries. The Threat Insights Report includes analysis on today’s most pressing threats facing enterprises along with resources for readers wanting a deeper dive on topics presented in the report.

The top trends and takeaways detailed in the report are: 

  • The effectiveness of using IOCs for detection and response is decreasing, as 46 percent of attacks are based on never-before-seen elements
  • Commodity threats are frequently evolving into targeted attacks
  • Mutating ransomware is on the rise
  • Fileless malware is proliferating, challenging traditional security defenses

The report is available for download at:

“I’m delighted that we are both publishing and presenting on our first Threat Insights Report at Black Hat, where the security industry’s best and brightest come together to learn from each other,” said Lior Div, CEO, Cybereason. “Our research has the same objective as our platform – to empower security teams to act confidently and appropriately in the face of new attacks and adversaries.”

At Black Hat, Cybereason’s CISO, Israel Barak, will drill down on one of the trends observed in the report in his presentation, “Watching Commodity Malware Get Sold to a Target Actor,” Wednesday, August 3, 5:30-6:00 p.m. at Mandalay Bay, Lagoon K. Barak will cover black market trafficking of compromised enterprise resources and its impact on incident detection and response procedures.

Barak also spoke at BSides on Tuesday, August 2, on Operation Escalation: How Commodity Programs Are Evolving Into Advanced Threats.

Ashish Larivee, Cybereason vice president, will also speak at Black Hat on Wednesday. Her panel discussion will look at the state of security departments across the globe. Joining her on the panel is Tim Wilson, editor-in-chief of Dark Reading. During the presentation, which will be held from 10:15-11:15 a.m. in Mandalay Bay, Reef C, Larivee and will talk about how security professionals are approaching the industry’s current challenges.

Cybereason has a proven track record of protecting Fortune 1,000 enterprises globally. The company has received many awards and accolades since its founding. Most recently, Cybereason topped a Gartner list of endpoint detection and response vendors. SC Magazine named Cybereason ‘Rookie Security Company of the Year.’ Also, CEO Lior Div was a 2016 EY Entrepreneur of the Year New England Finalist. In addition, Infosecurity Products Guide named Div ‘2016 CEO of the Year’ while Computer Reseller News named Cybereason’s military-grade detection and response threat hunting platform one of 30 cool products launched at the 2016 RSA Conference. And Dark Reading named the company one of the ‘20 Cyber Security Startups to Watch in 2016.’

About Cybereason: 
Founded by members of the Israeli intelligence agency’s elite cyber security Unit 8200, the Cybereason platform mirrors the founders’ expertise in managing some of world’s most complex hacking operations. The Cybereason Detection and Response Platform leverages big data, behavioral analytics and machine learning to uncover, in real-time, complex cyber attacks designed to evade traditional defenses. It automates the investigation process, connects isolated malicious events and visually presents a full malicious operation. The platform is available as an on-premise solution or a cloud-based service. Cybereason is privately held and headquartered in Boston with offices in Tel Aviv and Tokyo.

Media Contact: 
Bill Keeler 
Director, Public Relations 
(508) 414-7755 (cell)