Ever Evolving: Yonatan Striem-Amit on Handling Breaches While Remote

Cybereason was established with an offensive mindset as the foundation of the company’s approach to developing future-ready defensive products and solutions because it takes a deeper understanding of the attacker’s perspective to create game changing technologies that work to reverse the adversary advantage and return the high ground to the defenders.

With that in mind, we always appreciate the opportunity to discuss security topics with the founders of the company, and we are fortunate to have carved out some time with Cybereason co-founder Yonatan Striem-Amit to discuss the challenges inherent in addressing security breaches remotely as the network perimeter becomes ever more distributed - check it out...

About Yonatan Striem-Amit

Yonaton-Striem-Amit-HSYonatan Striem-Amit, Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder at Cybereason, is a machine learning, big data analytics, reverse engineering and cyber security expert.

Yonatan has over a decade of experience building highly sophisticated custom solutions by applying analytics to security for the Israeli Defense Forces and Israeli Governmental Agencies. 

Prior to co-founding Cybereason, Yonatan headed the development for Watchdox, a leading DRM and SaaS security startup.

Ever Evolving Video Series

The Ever Evolving video series features select guests from across the security field who are happy to share some of their insights and expertise with the larger Defender community - stay tuned for more!


Cybereason Team
About the Author

Cybereason Team

Cybereason is dedicated to partnering with Defenders to end attacks at the endpoint, in the cloud and across the entire enterprise ecosystem. Only the AI-driven Cybereason XDR Platform provides predictive prevention, detection and response that is undefeated against modern ransomware and advanced attack techniques. The Cybereason MalOp™ instantly delivers context-rich attack intelligence across every affected device, user and system with unparalleled speed and accuracy. Cybereason turns threat data into actionable decisions at the speed of business.

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