Ever Evolving: Israel Barak on Running Remote SOC Ops

We spent some time with Israel Barak, Chief Information Security Officer at Cybereason, who discussed some of the challenges of running a world-wide SOC remotely during the pandemic - check it out...

About Israel Barak

Israel Barak, Chief Information Security Officer at Cybereason, is a cyber defense and warfare expert with a background developing cyber warfare infrastructure and proprietary technologies, including that of proprietary cryptographic solutions, research and analysis of security vulnerabilities.

Israel has spent years training new personnel, providing in-depth expertise related to cyber warfare and security, threat actor’s tactics and procedures. 

As Cybereason’s CISO, Israel is at the forefront of the company’s security innovation, research and analysis of advanced threats.

Ever Evolving Video Series

The Ever Evolving video series features select guests from across the security field who are happy to share some of their insights and expertise with the larger Defender community - stay tuned for more!


Cybereason Team
About the Author

Cybereason Team

Cybereason is dedicated to partnering with Defenders to end attacks at the endpoint, in the cloud and across the entire enterprise ecosystem. Only the AI-driven Cybereason XDR Platform provides predictive prevention, detection and response that is undefeated against modern ransomware and advanced attack techniques. The Cybereason MalOp™ instantly delivers context-rich attack intelligence across every affected device, user and system with unparalleled speed and accuracy. Cybereason turns threat data into actionable decisions at the speed of business.

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