Responding to Multi-Endpoint Threats with XDR
The Cybereason XDR Platform provides a unified view of your endpoints, allowing analysts to quickly remediate complex threats across multiple machines...
Fred O'Connor
A global technology company knew something was off in its IT environment but could not find evidence to support its suspicions. The organization, which has annual revenue in the billions of dollars, believed an outside entity had accessed large repositories of sensitive and proprietary information, potentially compromising customer data and intellectual property.
However, the company only had a few vague indications that something was awry. Without concrete evidence to use as a starting point for incident response, the security team was preparing for a cold hunting exercise.
The organization decided to deploy Cybereason’s endpoint sensors to tens of thousands of endpoints to determine if its defenses had been infiltrated. The platform quickly confirmed the company's hunch: an advanced persistent threat had broken through its defenses nearly a year earlier. Cybereason figured out that hackers were using tools built-in to Windows, like Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), to move laterally to other machines in the organization. Hackers often use this deceptive tactic since traditional security programs don't flag activities carried out by known tools. Cybereason, though, is designed to detect this type of behavior.
Ultimately, hackers compromised 12 of our customer's machines, including a domain controller. The organization, suspecting it had been hacked, recently had its employees change their email log-in credentials, a move that proved useless since hackers had access to the server where this data was held.
Fred is a Senior Content Writer at Cybereason who writes a variety of content including blogs, case studies, ebooks and white papers to help position Cybereason as the market leader in endpoint security products.
The Cybereason XDR Platform provides a unified view of your endpoints, allowing analysts to quickly remediate complex threats across multiple machines...
Cybereason has launched subscription-based bundles for unlimited Incident Response and Professional Services that deliver the speed and agility needed to quickly identify, correlate and contain threats while reducing costs by as much as thirty percent...
The Cybereason XDR Platform provides a unified view of your endpoints, allowing analysts to quickly remediate complex threats across multiple machines...
Cybereason has launched subscription-based bundles for unlimited Incident Response and Professional Services that deliver the speed and agility needed to quickly identify, correlate and contain threats while reducing costs by as much as thirty percent...
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