The EU Court of Justice recently struck down the EU-US Privacy Shield agreement. This agreement was the mechanism under which US companies were able to process and use privacy-related data since a similar ruling in 2015 with respect to the old Safe Harbor mechanism. The implications are wide and far reaching, and companies of all sorts will scramble to demonstrate compliance with the Standard Contractual Clauses, or SCC, that can be used in contracts to ensure privacy-related data is treated right.
This is especially difficult as many organizations have turned to Software-as-a-Service and the data centers behind them. The question has now become, how do CIOs and CISOs exercise data autonomy and easily identify which vendors can make the journey soon enough to avoid fines versus which ones can’t. In other words, which ones operate on a privacy-by-design principle and which don’t.
Attend this webinar to get your questions answered about this ruling on the EU-US Privacy Shield Agreement. Hear about: